Why you need Rejection Proof Savings. [Issue 005]
In order to level up, you can’t NEED that next freelance gig.
Why this sucks
If you’re desperate for the job, you’ll quote low... because you neeeeed it.
How to get out of it
Save up enough money so you feel comfortable getting rejected. Let's call this Rejection Proof Savings.
What would make you comfortable not having work for a few weeks (or better yet, months)?
3 months of living expenses?
6 months?
12 months?
Three steps to getting your Rejection Proof Savings quickly
Step 1: Get on the same page as your partner (if applicable)
Step 2: Cut expenses ruthlessly (this doesn't have to be permanent, but there are things you can do without for a while)
Step 3: Get into focused mode. Find those jobs. Work long hours if you need to.
Just get that Rejection Proof Savings because...
If you’ve never had a savings buffer before, you have no idea the sigh of relief you’ll feel.
You’ll realize you were barely treading water that whole time.
You can finally breathe.
When you quote or pitch projects, you have a lot of leverage when you don’t NEED the job.
Without the stress of needing the job, you can quote an appropriate amount for your time, skill, and the value the client will get.
Desperation leads to a Vicious Cycle:
When you are desperate, you take low paying jobs.
You have to work twice as long for half the pay.
Which leads to burnout and more low paying jobs...
... and more burnout.
The best way to get out of this is to buckle down and get some savings built up.
The temporary suckiness of this pales in comparison to the joy of having breathing room.
Whether you call it an Emergency Fund, Rejection Proof Savings, or Wiggle Room Money... go get it, now.
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